Monday, August 2, 2010

The begging commences

I have to start calling all these charities this morning to try and get some help paying my rent and I don't want to but Dick has left me no choice He is not going to help me that is painfully clear. He has nothing to worry about He has the THWW taking care of Him like I did for 22 yrs He has a new mama and no longer needs me.
 Its hard to make your mind believe you no  longer love someone when your heart still does and why I love him I do not know. I think I have decided  that I don't miss him I miss who I thought He was. But life and the bills just keep rolling on and I am at the point where I just don't know what to do.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

My first post

I just want to state right from the start this blog is for Me,me,me . I really don't care what anyone else thinks So if you have any negativity keep it I have enough of my own.
 I have been reading blogs for a long time and I just thought it was high time I started my own. So this is it my very first post on my very first blog.